This section of the Register of Ships of the U.S. Navy consists of ship pages and photos from the Naval Historical Center's Online Library of Selected Images relating to auxiliary vessels acquired for temporary service during World War I, particularly in the Cruiser and Transport Force and the Naval Overseas Transportation Service. The ship pages have been reformatted and lightly edited for their new location on the Shipscribe web site, but they otherwise reflect the intensive effort by staff, volunteers, and donors through early 2011 to assemble and add to the wealth of information on these ships in the collections of the Naval Historical Center (now the Naval History and Heritage Command). Some material acquired since 2011 by donation to NHHC and by Shipscribe is also presented here. See the instructions for use below.
Click on a link or a photograph below to access one of the ten ship types in this section.
The four types with the most ships (refrigerated cargo ships, cargo ships, tankers, and transports) are organized by recognition type (the numbers of masts, kingposts, and funnels) with summary pages for each recognition type similar to the summary pages for the other six ship types. These summary pages provide brief information on each ship plus one photo (click on the thumbnail) if available. To get to the full Online Library page or pages for a ship, often with multiple photographs, click on the ship's name on the summary page. Ships for which no photographs are available do not have Online Library ship pages.
Use this Ship Name Index to locate individual ships on the summary pages by name. This list includes the U.S. Navy names of all ships in this section.